The museum welcomes
you to its aviation wing. Look around to find the men and machines
behind the story of flight. Were these pioneers heroic or foolhardy?
Flight of the Norge (Part1),
(Part 2) - It was a feat that
was astounding at the time, but now lost in the dusty pages of
history. In May of 1926 a group of sixteen fearless adventurers
boarded a small dirigible to fly over the North Pole. The audacious
journey would be the first ever flight from the European continent
to the American continent over the Arctic ice cap.
Those Fabulous
and Foolhardy Flyers (Part 1)- Flight from Icarus
to Orville.
Part 2
- Flight From Wilber to War.
Part 3
- The Warbirds of World War One.
The Mystery
of the Hindenburg Disaster - It was the biggest thing that
ever flew. Was its fiery end the result of an accident or sabotage?
Aircraft From the Early Years of Flight - Many early builders
took a trial and error approach to their designs. Check out some
of the results.
Whitehead - Did
he Beat the Wright Brothers into the Sky?
Real Flying
Saucers - Disc shaped aircraft through the ages.
Crossing the Atlantic
By Air - On July 25th, 1909, Louis Bleriot stunned the
world by using an airplane to cross the English Channel. Only
ten years later the first men to fly the Atlantic would tackle
a distance of over one-hundred times greater than that of the
Channel flight and incalculably more dangerous.
Earhart's Last Flight - The record breaking
American aviator disappears in the Pacific without a trace.
Mystery Airship of 1896 - What was the strange
light seen crusing through the 19th Century American skies?
The Mysterious Airship
of 1896 - Flash Film - An eight minute video documentary
about the airship of 1896.
Happened to the Rocket Belt?- It's been around
for more than forty years. Why can't I fly one?
Rocket Racing
- Will this new, dangerous sport catch on?
Nazi Flying Saucers
- Hitler and the Third Reich led Europe into a decade of terror
that culminated in World War II. The Germans developed an amazing
array of secret weapons in a short time. Were flying discs part
of the Luftwaffe arsenal? And if so, was this secret looted and
used by the Allied victors after the war?
Area 51 - Did the
home of super secret military aircraft also hide flying saucers?
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Krystek 2005. All Rights Reserved.