(12/06) At the climax of the holiday movie,
on 42nd Street, an old man finds himself in a competency hearing
because he has had the audacity to claim he is Santa Claus when,
of course, everybody knows Santa Claus doesn't exist. The old
fellow gets off the hook, however, when the US Postal Service
delivers to him a truckload of sacks filled with letters addressed
to Santa Claus. The idea is that if the US Postal Service - part
of the United States government - thinks Santa is real, then he
must be real. We all trust the government, right?
I submit that we can no longer accept this premise as proof
of the existence of Santa. In 1971 the US Post Office reorganized
as the United States Postal Service, now a quasi-independent
agency. Because of this we can no longer trust the agency's
judgment about the existence of this merry old elf. Don't panic,
however. I have a substitute for the Postal Service. An agency
of the US government that has been charged with the safety and
the protection of the nation itself: The Defense Department.
Or, a little more specifically, the North American Aerospace
Defense Command sometimes known by the acronym NORAD. In fact,
NORAD just doesn't have the backing of the United States government,
it is a joint venture with Canada, so it is trusted with the
well being of not only Americans citizens, but Canadians as
Now for those of you not familiar with NORAD, these are the
people working behind the 25-ton blast doors at a high-security
base buried under Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. If you've ever
seen the movie War Games, you will remember some very
serious-looking people in uniforms, bent over computer consoles
with huge screens on the wall displaying maps of the world showing
ICBM missiles about to obliterate every major city in North
America. The real NORAD looks a lot like this (without the incoming
missiles) and is charged with watching any potentially-hostile
aircraft, satellite or rocket that approaches or passes over
North American airspace. This means, of course, in order to
do this they have to also track non-hostile aircraft. And this
means that every Christmas Eve they are tracking Santa.

north entrance to NORAD's Cheyenne Mountain facility (USAF).
On His Trail for
Half a Century
According to the story, NORAD first became associated with
Kris Kringle back in 1955. A misprint in a local newspaper accidentally
directed calls meant to go to a Santa hotline (via a department
store) to the Director of Operations at the Continental Air
Defense agency (NORAD's predecessors). At that the Director
of Operations there was one Colonel Harry Shoup. Apparently
Colonel Shoup wasn't known for his sense of humor and wasn't
happy about some practical joker in his office misusing the
government phone system. On the second call, however, the Colonel
realized the inquires were for real after he talked with the
mother of one of the children. She informed Shoup about the
ad and the misprint. Realizing that he was bound to get swamped
with calls that night, he had them transferred to his staff
and directed them to give the location of Santa to any child
that called. Soon, a makeshift reindeer and sleigh appeared
on NORAD's wall-sized electronic map used to track aircraft
and a Christmas tradition that has now lasted over fifty years
had begun.
Every year NORAD received more calls. Volunteers from the
NORAD staff started coming in to help handle the load and eventually
major media outlets also started calling NORAD for updates.
In 1997, the service was expanded to include a NORAD Tracks
Santa website (http://www.noradsanta.org) that last year
received over a billion hits. The website includes almost anything
you would want to find out about the jolly old elf including
his current position on "radar" and secrets about his North
Pole workshop.
According to the Canadian Air Force website in 2005, fighter
jets were altered to capture pictures of Santa in flight. "NORAD
SantaCams are ultra-cool, high-tech, high-speed digital cameras
that are mounted on the CF-18 jets," said aircraft technicians
at the Fifteenth Fighter Wing. "We also have some positioned
at strategic places around the world to track his Yuletide journey
and feed those images back to our website."
These pictures are actually CGI video that show the reindeer
and sleigh as they pass by such famous landmarks as the Eiffel
Tower, Empire State Building and Big Ben. Every hour as Santa
passes each new location on his round-the-world flight on Christmas
Eve, a new video becomes available for download. How does NORAD
find Santa to take pictures of him? After all, he doesn't usually
file a flight plan, does he? According to documents on the website,
Rudolf's nose generates enough infrared energy to show up like
the rocket engine of a missile and it sets off the heat sensors
on the military's early warning satellites.

NORAD command center: Serious business (USAF).
Conspiracy Theory
Now the Scrooges among our readers might wonder why the government
is spending so much money answering calls and building websites
on this subject. After all, Santa isn't really a national threat,
is he?
My own personal conspiracy theory is that the government has
this program because they are secretly interested in Santa and
envy his technology. Can you imagine a supersonic bomber drawn
by hay-fed reindeer? Or having the capability to precisely target
any building around the world for payload delivery (gifts or
perhaps something a little more explosive…). How about the intelligence-gathering
capabilities you might get if you could slip in and out of a
building without leaving a trace (except for some missing milk
and cookies). The possibilities boggle the mind…
Perhaps I'm just being paranoid. The truth is that all of the
NORAD staff working on Santa tracking are volunteers, and commercial
partners, like AOL and IBM, have picked up some of the costs
involved in this project; so little in the way of taxpayer monies
are involved. And it can't be much of a serious government program
if some significant tax dollars aren't wasted, can it?
So, Virginia, is there really a Santa Claus. Well, NORAD says
there is and that's good enough for me. Now, if we can only
get them to come clean on some of those UFO sightings…
Copyright Lee Krystek 2006.
All Rights Reserved.