Over the Edge
Roundup of Strange Science for the Month
Applet credit:
Ed Hobbs
In the
Venom or Toxic Bacteria? - For years scientists
thought that the Komodo Dragon did not poison its victims,
but that its fearsome bite infected the animal with septic
bacteria that slowly weakened and killed it. A recent study
by led by Dr. Bryan Fry from the University of Melbourne,
however, showed that the Dragon does have venomous glands
in its mouth. The venom keeps the victim's blood from clotting
at the wound leading to a drop in blood pressure. The loss
of blood and the lower the blood pressure weaken the animal
and cause it to eventually stop moving so the giant lizard
can safely approach and finish it. Fry believes that this
specialized bite and venom shortens the contact the dragon
has with its victim allowing it to take much larger prey
than might otherwise be expected.
Cat-sized Primate Significant Fossil - According
to an international team of scientists a 47-million-year-old
primate fossil the size ancient "small cat" may be a highly
significant clue in the evolution of man. The fossil, dubbed
"Ida," lived about the time primates split into two groups:
the line that would produce humans and monkeys, and the
line which would become primates like lemurs. "This is the
most complete primate fossil before human burial," stated
Dr. Jorn Hurum, of the Natural History Museum at the University
of Oslo, who led the study of the bones. "And it's not a
few million years old; it's 47 million years old." The fossil
was found in 1983 in the Messel Pit, near Frankfurt, Germany,
but, because it had been broken into two sections, its importance
was not immediately recognized. According to Hurum he nicknamed
the fossil after his young daughter, Ida . The fossil was
officially named Darwinius masillae, in honor of
the anniversary of evolutionary scientists Charles Darwin's
200th birthday.
Island "Hobbits" New Species - Scientists have
been bitterly arguing over whether tiny human remains found
on the remote Indonesian island of Flores in 2003 --Homo
floresiensis -- is a new species or just regular old
homosapians who suffered from some disease that made them
small. A recent study in the British journal Nature supports
the idea that the small hominids were actually a new species.
The researchers by analyzing the hobbit's foot showed that
it has both human and chimp-like components. This suggest
to the authors "that the ancestor of H. floresiensis
was not Homo erectus but instead some other, more
primitive, hominin whose dispersal into southeast Asia is
still undocumented."
Meteorite Hit Created Dangerous Gas - Recent
experiments by the Yasuhito Sekine of the University of
Tokyo and a team of researchers has shown that the giant
asteroid slammed into the Yucatan Peninsula 65 million years
ago not only vaporized rock and ocean water and left a smoldering
crater in the Earth almost 75 miles wide, but likely generated
huge amounts of carbon monoxide. The sudden spike in the
gas may have been enough to cause a large rise in global
temperatures, and trigger the mass extinction that killed
the dinosaurs. The researchers simulated the impact by firing
small pieces of metal into samples of calcite, commonly
found in the shallow seas of the Cretaceous period. The
tests vaporized the samples, producing about twice as much
carbon monoxide (CO) as carbon dioxide (CO2).
DNA Could Tell if Lincoln was Already Dying -
The board of a small Philadelphia museum denied a request
from a historical researcher that might have proved Abraham
Lincoln was dying of cancer when he was assassinated. The
Grand Army of the Republic Museum and Library decided
not to loan Dr. John Sotos a scrap of a pillow that was
soaked with the dying 16th President's blood. Sotos thinks
that DNA from the strip could determine if Lincoln suffered
from a rare genetic disease called multiple endocrine
neoplasia type 2B. If the President did have the disease
it could explain his long limbs, bumps on his lips and problems
with constipation. It would also certainly mean that Lincoln
was dying of thyroid cancer. Board members opposed the doctor's
request, fearing that removing even a few strands of thread
for DNA testing would damage the relic. Sotos thinks that
the information gained, however, would give insight into
the President's thinking. "He probably knew something was
horribly wrong. If Lincoln was dying, certainly he recognized
it because he was a smart and observant man ... but he would
not have told a soul."
Science Quote of the Month - "Science
is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's
living at it." ~Albert Einstein
New at the Museum:
Science Today- Our page of breaking science
news stories gets an update with more news categories and
articles! Check it out: >
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the Curator:
Using Magnets for Traveling Through Space - I'm
wondering if it's possible to use the principles of magnetism
for travel (besides Maglev). For example, could a ship with
a highly focused electromagnet aim and pull itself to a
planet's magnetic field, or to the heavy metal core of an
asteroid? Could this same idea be used to create a flying
car, by pushing or pulling off more than one point at the
same time? Thanks - Maxwell
While magnets
and magnetic forces are very important in present and future
transportation designs, the type of arrangement you suggest
- focusing a magnetic field toward a distant object to pull
yourself toward it seems an unlikely mechanism to be used.
The problem is that magnetic fields lose their strength
very quickly over long distances. So if you attempted to
build a ship using this principal to pull yourself toward
to a distant object you would need an impractically large
magnetic field requiring a tremendous amount of energy.
You would also have the problem that your engine would be
attracting every piece of ferrite material (those attracted
to a magnet) within miles -the wrenches in you tool kit,
you belt buckle, other ships near you etc... You vessel
would soon be covered with loose ferrite objects.
A train using
Maglev does not have this same difficulty. The train uses
magnetism to float just above its rails (often less than
an inch) so that distance is not a problem. By changing
the poles on the magnets involved the train can be not only
pushed upward by the magnetic field but also down the track
to give the vehicle forward speed.
A magnetic flying
car might be workable, but only if it was levitating above
a special magnetic road. Like the Maglev train it would
be limited to "flying" just a few inches above the ground.
Of course many
engines used in transportation now use magnets to operate.
Almost every electric motor uses magnetic fields to generate
movement and some advanced space probes use magnetic fields
to shoot particles out the of the back of the probe at high
speeds to push the device forward.
The only example
of a magnetic transportation system that I could find that
was similar to your design was a satellite engine being
developed in conjunction with NASA. While details of the
design are limited, the engine would interact with Earth
magnetic field to allow satellites to maneuver while in
orbit. Last year a model of the engine exploded during testing,
but the inventors of the engine think they have worked out
the bugs and are hopeful that they will be able to try a
test in space in the next few years.
Unidentified Submarine Objects - On June 18,
1845 the crew of the brig Victoria were cruising
the eastern Mediterranean Sea when they observed three bright,
luminous objects come out of the sea and fly into the sky.
One observer said the objects were five times the size of
the moon, with "sail-like or streamer-like" appendages.
The objects were seen from both land and sea for between
10 and 20 minutes. No explanation for these reports is known.
In the
Planet Parade - If you haven't checked the night
sky to look for planets recently, this might be a good month,
but you will have to get up early. Jupiter is the brightest
object in the morning sky as it moves through the constellation
Aquarius. Mars is also visible in the morning in Aries.
It will be in conjunction with Venus and the Moon on June
20th. Both Mercury and Venus will be visible just before
the sun comes up with Mercury easier to see later in the
month. Saturn is the only planet that will be visible the
whole night, Look for it in the constellation Leo.
E.T. Search Going for a Decade - Last month
marks 10 years for University of California at Berkeley's
SETI@home. SETI, of course, stands for the "Search
for Extraterrestrial Intelligence." Anyone who wants
to participate can download software to their home computers.
During idle times the computer will then process signals
that have been received from the Arecibo Observatory in
Puerto Rico and looks for any signs of intelligent communication
in the data. So far, no extraterrestrial signals have been
found, but currently there are 140,000 participants in the
project looking for a sign that we are not alone. Chief
scientist Dan Werthimer says he realizes that this is like
"looking for needle in a haystack" but explains, "we're
in this for the long haul…. As long as we have some way
to increase the sensitivity of our radio detectors or the
frequency range, or the part of the sky we're looking at,
we'll still be doing something worthwhile." People interested
in joining the project can go to http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/
the Tube:
check local listing for area outside of North America.
NOVA: Bone Diggers - Deep
inside an Australian cave, paleontologists discover the
fossils of extinct giant animals. On PBS. Tuesday, June
16 at 8 pm ET/PT.
Angels vs. Demons: Fact or Fiction? - A hard-hitting yet witty look at the cutting-edge science and historical
reality behind the best-selling novel Angels and Demons.
It's a battle of fact vs. fiction in a world of antimatter,
theology, conspiracies, symbolism and cults. On
Discovery Channel. Jun 05, 8:00 pm; Jun 05, 11:00 pm; ET/PT
Horror Movies - Effects that Scare - Nar makes a movie camera out of a block of magnesium at Panavision,
investigates the science behind crime-scene blood spatter
on Showtime's Dexter, meets Lola the leading digital plastic
surgeon in Hollywood and an indie filmmaker demonstrates
DIY effects! (Part of the Science of the Movies Series)
On the Science Channel. Jun 09, 9:00 pm; Jun 10, 12:00 am;
Jun 10, 4:00 pm; Jun 11, 4:00 am; ET/PT
Dinosaurs: Return to Life? - Dinosaurs: Return to Life follows scientists who are using the latest
technology and amazing advances in genetic research to revive
the possibility of creating a living breathing dinosaur,
but in a different way than we ever imagined. On the Science
Channel. Jun 08, 8:00 pm; Jun 08, 11:00 pm; Jun 09, 3:00
pm; Jun 10, 3:00 am; ET/PT.
What Really Killed the Dinosaurs- Until recently, most scientists thought they knew what killed off the
dinosaurs - a giant meteorite crashing into Earth. But a
small and vociferous group of scientists believes there
is increasing evidence that the 'impact' theory could be
wrong. On The Science Channel. Jun 08, 9:00 pm Jun 09, 12:00
am Jun 09, 4:00 pm Jun 10, 4:00 am; ET/PT.
Seven Signs of the Apocalypse - The Seven Signs are clear: We will be struck by deadly plagues, famines
and earthquakes... The sky will turn dark and oceans will
turn to blood... And the antichrist will emerge to fight
the final battle between good and evil. Could this all be
true? Experts decode this powerful prophecy and come to
a startling conclusion: there is now scientific evidence
that many of these catastrophes could, in fact, be occurring.
A star falling from the sky could be one of thousands of
rogue asteroids that may be approaching earth. The plague
foretold in the Bible could be a deadly strain of avian
virus that researchers fear could kill millions. Oceans
turning blood red could be triggered by microorganisms that
release dangerous neurotoxins that have the same effect
as nerve gas. To reveal the ultimate truth behind the prophecy,
this investigation will turn to the past to reveal why the
prophecy was written, and why it keeps such a powerful hold
on our imagination today. On The History Channel. Tuesday,
June 09 08:00 PM; Wednesday, June 10 12:00 AM; ET/PT.

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